Mechanic to Boliden Rönnskär
Anställningstyp Full-time
Jobbposition Maintenance mechanic
Arbetsmodell On location
Sista ansökningsdag 6 oktober 2024
Är du den rätta?

General information

Rönnskärsverken in Skelleftehamn is one of the world's most efficient smelters, extracting metals from raw materials from mines and various types of recycled materials. Above all, copper, gold, silver, lead and zinc clinker are produced.

We need to strengthen our team with a mechanic for our mechanical workshop. The department works with condition control, traverse ropes, pump ropes and transmissions and includes service and maintenance of these.

Work tasks

As a mechanic at Pumprep, you work with service and maintenance of Rönnskär's pumps. We start from our workshop where we perform troubleshooting and renovations, but since we take care of all Rönnskär's pumps, much of our work is out at the plant. This means a very varied job where one day is not the same as the other and it is required that you as a person are flexible and prepared for changes in priority.

Education and qualifications

The work requires you to have good collaboration skills and we are therefore looking for you who can work both independently and in groups. We attach great importance to your personal qualities and want you to be thorough, responsible and able to take initiative. You are a person who wants to develop and deepen your knowledge in the mechanical field. Experience from similar work is an advantage.

To be considered for the position, you need

- Upper secondary education with a relevant focus or education that is considered equivalent, preferably some further education

- Fluency in Swedish and English in speech and writing

- B-driving license

- Experience of mechanical maintenance

Meritorious is:

- Training in bearing assembly

- Experience of pump service

Working hours

Daytime, standby may occur

Employment type: Temporary 1 year.

Access to the job

After agreement

For further information

For further information about the position, please contact

Head of Unit Per Furberg, tel. 0910-77 38 25.

Trade union information

IF Metall: Ronnie Allzén, tel. 0910-77 32 72 E-mail:

We offer you

Boliden is an established employer with collective agreements and occupational pensions. We offer benefits such as flexible working conditions, opportunities for skills development, many different career paths, health and medical care. Work with us in an innovative environment with a lot of competence and a corporate culture characterized by care, courage and responsibility. We are happy to help and welcome you to join us!

How to apply

We are actively working to increase diversity in our workplace and welcome all applicants. Your application will be processed according to GDPR and submitted via the application icon. Questions regarding your application will be answered by Ida Hällgren, Human Resources, tel. 070 60 122 30, E-mail:

We would like to receive your application by September 20, 2024.

Selection and interviews may take place on an ongoing basis.