Vik. Preschool teacher to Trummans preschool
Gällivare, Sverige
Type of Employment Full-time
Job position Preschool teachers
Work model On location
Application due date 6 October 2024
Are you the one?

Job description

Working in the preschool is a challenging, exciting and creative job in close collaboration with colleagues in teams. You have great opportunities to develop in a creative work together with children and colleagues. The children will be given new challenges, support and stimulation for their development and in their learning in collaboration with preschool teachers and childcare workers in the department.

Gällivare municipality is undergoing a major social transformation. Come and join us on this exciting journey!

Trummans preschool is centrally located in Gällivare. The surrounding area consists of apartment buildings and villas and various service buildings such as a bathhouse, ice rink, library, museum, schools and scenic park and forest areas. It is walking distance to the center and to schools such as Hedskolan and Sjöparksskolan.

At the preschool there are 4 age-divided departments, Holken with 12 children who are 1-2 years old, Idet has 18 children who are 3 years old, Grytet has 18 4-year-olds and Lyan has all children who are 5 years old.

Work tasks

To run the educational work in the group of children together in teams and other colleagues at the preschool. As a preschool teacher, you are responsible for teaching in the preschool based on the curriculum. You take responsibility for planning, implementation and reflection in the team and for carrying out systematic quality work in collaboration with other colleagues and teams at the preschool. The children will be given new challenges and receive support and stimulation for their development and learning. We are looking for you who see opportunities and want to help create the preschool of the future in Gällivare.


Licensed preschool teacher.

We are looking for you who want to be involved in developing our exciting preschool activities. It is important that you are well acquainted with our governing documents and that you are a clear leader and are independent, responsible and easy to take your own initiatives. You are positive and have confidence in the children's skills and are interested in using digital tools. As an educator, you are keen on trusting relationships with children and parents and that you have good collaboration skills and use educational conversations and educational documentation in your work with the children.

It is of the utmost importance that you are interested in developing the preschool's working methods and learning environments together with your colleagues.

Within the framework of the National Minority Languages Act, Gällivare municipality is the administrative municipality for Sami, Meänkieli and Finnish.

Knowledge of one of these languages is an advantage when applying for employment in Gällivare municipality.

Extract from the criminal record for preschool required - Available to search on the Police website

Working hours/duration

Temporary employment 100%, probationary period may be applied


Salary according to agreement, state salary claim

Start date

2024-11-01 or by agreement
Warmly welcome with your application!

Further information

For questions, please contact

Marina Nilsson

Rector, Gällivare Municipality

Tel: 0970 - 81 89 73

Trade union representatives

Swedish Teachers Gällivare

Tel: 0970 - 81 83 83

How to apply

Last day to apply: 2024-10-06

We would like to receive a CV with your application. If requested, original documents, grades, identification are provided.

Remember to apply for an extract from the Police's criminal record .

We have chosen our recruitment channels and do not want any recruitment assistance.