Group exercise instructor, water training
Luleå, Sverige
Ansettelsestype Part-time
Jobbposisjon Circle Leader/Study Circle Leader
Arbeidsmodell On location
Søknadsfrist March 15th, 2025
Er du den rette?

Hermelinen has a wide range of training and well-being for all ages. One of our most popular concepts for training is water training where we now need to expand our instructor group.

As a group training instructor at Hermelinen, you are the face of the company. Positive, joy-spreader with personal charisma are good qualities for you as a group training instructor. Most importantly, you like to convey the joy of exercise and inspire people to become their best self in training.

We are looking for you who:

  • Are trained or interested in becoming a water training instructor.
  • Are structured and flexible.
  • Is responsive and attentive to participants.
  • Has a solid interest in group training.
  • Has good social skills.
  • Has the opportunity to hold at least one fixed session per week, preferably during the day.
  • Has experience of group training as a participant or instructor.

It is meritorious if you have previously worked as a water training instructor.