Hello to all young people living in Sel!
Sel municipality is once again advertising positions for young people between the ages of 16 and 18 (must be 16 years old) who are resident in the municipality.
The work areas will be parks and greenery, janitorial services, cleaning, municipal kindergartens (Otta, Heidal and Sel) and the kitchens at Selsro and Heidalstun.
Write in your application where you would most like to work.
Duration:3 weeks in the period week 26 to week 33
Contact person:Therese Hansen. If you have any questions, please contact
tlf. 46839231 or email: therese.hansen@sel.kommune.no
St.id. 779
Application deadline : 31.03.2025
Send an electronic application using the form available on our website: www.sel.kommune.no