Could you imagine a meaningful and interesting summer job?
The nursing home service in Gjøvik municipality is looking for those who are undergoing health education, health professionals, nurses / nurses and others with relevant expertise and / or experience.
The nursing home service in Gjøvik municipality is located at 5 care centers; Haugtun, Sørbyen, Nordbyen, Snertingdal and Biri and contains both nursing homes, book collectives, home care and day centers.
The different businesses:
Business manager
Haugtun Sykehjem avd. 3 AB
Specialized short-term ward - 6 places for interdisciplinary rehabilitation and 6 places for palliative care
Agnes Steingrimsdottir
Haugtun Sykehjem avd. 3 CD
Somatic short-term ward - 20 places for aftercare after hospital stays including 4 KAD places, municipal acute inpatient place.
May-Jeanette Haugli
Haugtun Sykehjem avd. 2 AB
13 sheltered places for people with dementia, mainly short-term places.
Tone J. Tokstad
Haugtun Sykehjem avd. 2 CD
16 sheltered short- and long-term places for people with dementia.
Stian Løkken
Sørbyen nursing home dept. A
15 long-term places.
Bente Fauske Holm
Sørbyen nursing home dept. B
15 long-term places
Tine Fredlund
Nordbyen nursing home, 2nd floor
12 sheltered long-term places for people with dementia.
Annette Skiaker
Nordbyen nursing home, 1st floor
8 sheltered reinforced places for people with dementia.
Camilla Holth
Nordbyen Bokollektiv
24 apartments for people with dementia divided into 3 housing units.
Ine Anett Braathen
Snertingdal nursing home
24 long-term places, including a unit with 8 sheltered places for people with dementia.
Ann Karin Børve
Snertingdal care center
10 short-term places, a home service department and day center
Toini Christin Granum
Biri nursing home
16 long-term places.
Anita Engelberg
Biri bokollektiv
16 apartments.
Heidi H. Fredriksen
The need for summer workers applies to the period from 16.06.25-17.08.25.
It is desirable that summer temps can work as much as possible (min 6 weeks) in this period to get the best possible continuity and predictability for the operation.
As a summer temp, you will get a fixed rotation for the summer, with a position percentage by agreement - up to 100%.
In the nursing home service, there is shift work with work during the day, evening and night on weekdays and weekends.
Summer substitutes are needed for all types of shifts and times.
Please state in your application if there are specific departments you would like to work in.
Personal qualities:
We can offer:
The business manager for the various businesses will continuously contact relevant applicants as needed.
Exempt publicity must be justified:Gjøvik municipality practices more openness, cf. Section 11 of the Norwegian Freedom of Information Act. There must be special circumstances for an exception to be granted, cf. Section 25 of the Norwegian Freedom of Information Act.Application:All applications must be submitted electronically via our application system. We want a diverse work environment and encourage all qualified people to apply regardless of gender, ethnic background, religion, disability and age.