PhD student in energy engineering with a focus on energy systems analysis
Type of Employment Full-time
Job position PhD student
Work model On location
Application due date 23 September 2024
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Luleå University of Technology is growing rapidly with world-leading expertise in several research areas. We shape the future through innovative education and groundbreaking research results, and based on the Arctic region, we create global social benefits. Our scientific and artistic research and education are conducted in close collaboration with international, national and regional companies, public actors and leading universities. Luleå University of Technology has a total turnover of SEK 1.9 billion per year. We are currently 1,840 employees and have 17,670 students. In the coming years, billions of kronor will be invested in Norrbotten and Västerbotten in major projects aimed at a more sustainable society nationally as well as globally. Luleå University of Technology is involved in several of these highly topical research projects and the social transformation that follows. We have a wide range of programs to match the skills that are in demand. We hope you will help us build the sustainable companies and societies of the future. The Division of Energy Science at Luleå University of Technology is looking for a PhD student in Energy Engineering, focusing on energy systems analysis related to the emergence of sustainable biochar production for industrial applications in Sweden. Subject description The research subject Energy Engineering covers the development of technologies and processes for a sustainable energy supply. Our research is focused on biofuel technology and energy efficient utilization in industry and society. Project description The project is based on the fact that even in an electrified future industry, carbon atoms will still be needed in various processes and materials, and biochar can be a key material. The aim is, from a system perspective and for the entire value chain, to increase knowledge about opportunities for and obstacles to expanded sustainable biochar production in Sweden, especially for industrial applications and from various residual streams, and to propose strategies to overcome identified obstacles. This is done by starting from three different sustainability perspectives on biochar: a socio-ecological one focusing on raw material supply, a techno-economic one focusing on production and use, and a socio-economic one focusing on markets and policy instruments. This post relates to the techno-economic perspective. You will study biochar production technologies in terms of e.g. energy, resource, carbon and cost efficiency as well as fulfillment of technical specifications for the user of the biochar. Central is to analyze integration possibilities with industry, energy systems and raw material supply chains. Methodologically, energy engineering modeling and energy system analysis are applied, focusing on process integration and techno-economics. The PhD position is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency through the Energy Systems Research School program. The current position is one of three doctoral positions in the interdisciplinary project "The future with biochar - a holistic approach to new sustainable value chains", which is carried out in close collaboration between Luleå University of Technology and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Umeå. Work tasks As a PhD student, most of your working time is devoted to your research studies. You will be trained in scientific work in the form of publishing scientific articles in journals and at national and international conferences. You will also take compulsory and optional doctoral courses, totaling around 60 credits. In addition, you may have the opportunity to try out the role of teacher. As a researcher, you will work as a neutral party in many contexts, which provides a great opportunity to learn how to run challenging development projects. Within the framework of the position, you will participate in the activities of the Energy Systems Research School, where you will also complete the joint course package of 30 credits (read more at Qualifications We are looking for an enthusiastic candidate with the ability to work both independently and as part of a team. You should have a Master's degree in Energy Engineering, Chemical Engineering or equivalent. Additional requirements: - Very good oral and written skills in English, - skills in energy engineering modeling, process integration, techno-economic analysis and industrial energy systems - good academic writing skills, - ability to work independently and take own initiatives, as well as to familiarize yourself with new issues on your own - good ability to collaborate, establish contacts and maintain good relations in professional contexts, and - willingness to undertake shorter and longer research stays at other universities or institutes, within or outside Sweden The following skills and knowledge are an advantage: - Knowledge related to the transition of the steel industry, and - good oral and written skills in Swedish. See also the general syllabus for doctoral studies in energy technology. Most of the staff at the subject Energy Technology are currently men, therefore we welcome female applicants. Further information The PhD position is a fixed-term full-time position for 4 years, teaching and other departmental duties may be added up to 20% of full-time. You will be employed at Luleå University of Technology and be located in Luleå, Sweden. For further information, you are welcome to contact Professor Elisabeth Wetterlund, 0920-491056, Professor Marcus Öhman, Head of Subject, 0920-491977, Trade union representative: SACO-S Kjell Johansson, 0920-49 1529 OFR-S Lars Frisk, 0920-49 1792 How to apply We prefer that you apply for the position via the application button below where you attach a cover letter, CV/resume and copies of verified diplomas. Please mark your application with the reference number below. Both the application and the diplomas must be written in Swedish or English. Please also include a letter of intent stating: 1. Why you want to pursue a PhD; 2. Why you are interested in this position; and 3. Why you believe you are qualified for this position. Deadline for applications: September 23, 2024 Reference number: 3159-2024