Day care and family homes
Anställningstyp Full-time
Jobbposition Treatment assistant/social worker
Arbetsmodell On location
Sista ansökningsdag 9 februari 2025
Är du den rätta?

Being an emergency home or a family home means opening your home to children aged 0-18 who, for various reasons, cannot stay with their biological parents. Emergency homes take in children for a limited time, often at short notice and during all hours of the day, while family homes offer a more long-term placement that can extend over several years and sometimes over the child's entire upbringing. We are currently looking for at least one foster carer and three family homes to provide support.

As a foster carer, you will be responsible for the day-to-day care of the child or young person and for meeting their emotional support needs. You will support schooling, encourage extracurricular activities and help maintain contact with the child's biological family. You will work in close cooperation with the child's social worker and you will receive continuous support and guidance from experienced family home secretaries.

What is required?

You can be single or in a relationship - we welcome applicants from all types of family constellations. As a foster carer, you will need to have a home with one or two vacant rooms and be available 24 hours a day to take in a child quickly. As a family home, you should be able to provide a stable and safe home over a longer period of time. If you are a foster carer, you cannot work alongside your job and you must be at home full-time. Foster carers are entitled to 4 weeks of planned leave per year, in consultation with the family home secretary.

Costs and fees

As a foster carer, you will receive a contractual fee (similar to a salary), which is paid regardless of whether you have a placement or not. The fee is for the work you do, but also for any expenses related to the assignment. For family homes, remuneration is paid in the form of fees and reimbursement of expenses depending on the child's needs. Day care centers are contracted for one year with the possibility of extension, while family homes are usually offered longer-term assignments. Neither role involves employment with the municipality; it is an assignment carried out on behalf of the municipality.

How to become a foster carer or family home?

Submit your application and one of our experienced family home secretaries will contact you for an initial meeting. If you are then deemed suitable, a family home investigation will be carried out. A family home investigation means that family home secretaries conduct in-depth interviews with each of the prospective foster parents in order to highlight the family's strengths and development areas. We also obtain register extracts from the Police, the Social Insurance Agency, the Swedish Enforcement Authority and the social register.