Are you a student looking to earn some extra money? Or do you work part-time and want to combine this with another job? Then you are the one we are looking for!
The employment involves an hourly position in OnePartnerGroup's consulting business.
We are looking for you who thrive on a fast-paced, responsible and challenging job. The work is varied and can consist of order picking inside the terminal, driving a delivery truck or helping with various moving assignments.
We would like you to be independent and that you are a driven person who likes to do that little extra to ensure that the work is done with good quality.
The working hours vary but are scheduled every weekday, which makes it a perfect job to have alongside your studies / part-time job.
The work is scheduled for daytime and the start and end times may vary.
To be relevant to the service, it is required that you have another occupation of at least 50%, such as studies or another part-time job.
We see that you are a positive person who is service-oriented and easy to take for you. It is important that you can take responsibility, are willing to work and are good at working with your colleagues.
Welcome with your application!
About OnePartnerGroup
We at OnePartnerGroup work with recruitment, staffing and training and are your best colleague in your career when you are looking for a job. With a local presence in some 50 locations, from Malmö in the south to Kalix in the north, we are always close to you.