Family counselor, Klara open care
Skellefteå, Sverige
Type of Employment Full-time
Job position Family counselor/family educator
Work model On location
Application due date 17 September 2024
Are you the one?
Youth open care Klara is expanding! Do you want to be part of the work for our young people? We are investing to strengthen support for young people and their families. Together with others who are around the young people, we want to reduce the risks of being drawn into crime and exclusion. In Skellefteå municipality, we work together across borders, in a work culture characterized by an unusually strong belief in the future. Klara öppenvård is now expanding its operations and is looking for you who are passionate about young people and want to be involved in developing new ways of working to strengthen young people's conditions for living a life free from crime, violence, abuse and exclusion. We are looking for a family counselor who wants to be part of a team where we are there for the young people in our municipality. We want to make a difference and strengthen their conditions, create hope and change. Together we work to give our young people an everyday life that works better. Every day for the whole of Skellefteå. Klara is Skellefteå municipality's open care for young people. Our target group is young people aged 13-25 and their families. The purpose of the business is to offer treatment to support and help young people who have psychosocial problems, relationship problems, addiction or other types of social problems. WORK TASKS As a family counselor, you have a varied assignment, but the emphasis is on family treatment in the form of conversations with young people and their families. The work involves strengthening families so that they can manage on their own, but if young people need to be placed, our goal is for them to be able to return home as soon as possible. Our work is always based on the best interests of the child and young person. Our basic view is that the family is a system where everyone affects each other. This is why our treatment work often involves the whole family and other people close to the young person. Participation and cooperation provide the conditions for lasting change to take place. We work from a systems-theoretical and cognitive approach. As an employee, you are given supervision and skills development. Your daily work mainly takes place in our premises, which are located in central Skellefteå, but home visits also occur if deemed more appropriate. Our efforts are documented and followed up continuously. Collaboration with schools, the police, leisure and the Region takes place in many of our cases. QUALIFICATIONS We are looking for you who have a degree in social work or other relevant higher education that is suitable for the business. It is an advantage if you have experience of working with young people, both with individual contacts and with families, as well as with young people in addiction or crime. It is also an advantage if you have experience of counseling or further training in social treatment work. As a person, you are confident, can handle different situations and treat families with respect and warmth. You will have good interpersonal skills and be able to work independently while being part of a treatment team. The job requires structure and planning to ensure that young people and their families receive the support they need. A B driving license is required for the position. OTHER The Social Office's employees provide care and support to people throughout Skellefteå. They may be elderly people, people with physical or mental disabilities, or individuals and families in need of special support for a period of time. Our activities are located throughout the municipality and we have specialists in several areas of care, care, nutrition, support and activation for the disabled, substance abuse care, family counseling and much more. With empathy, knowledge and commitment, the social office contributes to creating a Skellefteå where everyone has a place. Read more about Skellefteå here: Contact from recruitment and staffing companies as well as advertisement sellers is discouraged.