Company description
Forsmark nuclear power plant is one of the largest electricity producers in Sweden and we produce one sixth of the electricity consumed in Sweden. Nuclear electricity has a very low fossil footprint and is a stable and weather-independent power source. Since 1980, our three production plants have delivered climate-smart electricity every day, all year round.
About 1,200 employees work at Forsmark today and we are part of the Vattenfall Group, which operates in a European labor market with opportunities for fantastic development for you as an employee. Our workplace is beautifully located along the beautiful Roslag coast.
UL operates Forsmark with buses that have a wireless network on the Gävle-Forsmark and Uppsala-Forsmark routes, which gives you the opportunity to use travel time as working time if/when work allows. Buses to and from Forsmark are adapted to the working hours of daytime staff. You also have the opportunity to use our remote workplaces in Gävle and Uppsala or work from home if/when work allows.
Please read more about Forsmark on our website
About the role
Do you want to be involved in maintaining and developing our nuclear power plants, while contributing to Sweden's fossil-free electricity supply? Now you have the opportunity to do so with us at Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB.
What will you do?
Forsmarks Kraftgrupp is now looking for an employee for the instrument maintenance group for Forsmark 1 and 2, which consists of about 14 employees. Our group consists of technicians, maintenance engineers, supervisors and group managers. Within the instrument maintenance unit there are also positions as system engineer and process engineer, which leads to good opportunities for skills development and advancement within the group and the unit.
Your main tasks consist of preventive and remedial instrument maintenance on reactor and turbine systems where analog technology is mixed with digital. You will actively participate in the operational work together with the others in the group. You will participate in troubleshooting efforts and evaluate performed maintenance measures. The role also includes participating in renewal work where our responsibility is to participate in projects where we, among other things, perform the test after completed assembly.
Who are you?
On-call duty is included in the service and becomes relevant when a certain level of experience is achieved.
We are looking for you who are easy to make contact, nurture your relationships and work with other people. You are driven by a genuine interest in technology and enjoy learning new things. The role involves some administration so you need to have experience of or an interest in documenting your work well. Here you get the opportunity for a varied and fun work where you work both independently and in groups. As we often work on commissioned equipment, it will give you a good understanding of the process but it requires you to be focused and quality conscious.
As we work for an even gender distribution, we are happy to see female applicants for this position. We are convinced that diversity enriches, and therefore we continuously work for gender equality and inclusion in our workplace. Please read more about our work on diversity and inclusion on our website
Further information
If you have any questions about the position , please contact: Recruiting Manager Andreas Nordqvist Söderlund, 070-5675088 or Head of Unit Erika Kjetselberg, 072-2082820
If you have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact: Recruiter Anders Nielsen 070-078 68 40
Our union representatives are: Akademikerna - Anders Karlsson, Ledarna - Ida Engvall Walther, SEKO - Conny Nordström, Unionen - Lars-Göran Persson. All can be reached by phone 0173-81 000.
Place of employment: Forsmark
Welcome with your application no later than March 18, 2025.
We do not accept personal letters in the application. You apply quickly and easily by answering selection questions and attaching your CV.
We look forward to your application!
Vattenfall is part of Sweden's critical infrastructure and our operations are subject to rules on security protection, nuclear non-proliferation and export control. Due to these rules, many of the positions in our operations are subject to pre-employment screening. For those positions that lead to participation in security-sensitive activities or placement in a security class, this control means that security clearance is carried out in accordance with the Security Protection Act.
Apply here