Inclusive learning environments for all

The preschools of Jokkmokk are known for creating an inclusive environment built on the foundations of equality, introducing these concepts early on in the education process. 

Most recently, Västra Skolans daycare center and Östra Skolan have participated in a regional development project with a focus on equality in collaboration with the municipalities of Norrbotten, with an aim to create create equal and attractive municipalities for all to enjoy. 


Free schools and safe child care

Sweden as a country believes that education and healthcare are of the upmost importance to the future development of our children and society, which is why both healthcare and education are completely free, up to a PhD! Even private schools in Sweden are part of the universal education system and are completely free of charge.


Preschool is for children that are one to five years old and lays the foundation for a lifetime of learning, with attention to the individual’s well-being and development. It’s a safe, fun, and incredibly important time in a child’s life. As a parent or guardian, you can choose between municipal preschools, independent preschools, and pedagogical care, with the latter two being privately run. Jokkmokk municipality also offers a Sami preschool.

Preschool in Sweden is universally subsidized, and ranges from 100% free to a cap of approximately €140 a month, at most, based on income. Thus, regardless of a parent's income, a child in Sweden will receive the same care, with one of the highest per capita expenditures per child in the world.

Learn more about the preschools in Jokkmokk

Primary school

Primary schools in Jokkmokk municipality focus on learning in a democratic environment. The goal is to provide children with safe and welcoming classrooms that aim to establish lifelong learning habits and create an opportunity for each child to become the best version of themselves. 

Primary schools in Jokkmokk

Jokkmokk Schools 1.jpg

High school

The municipality of Jokkmokk has one high school, Bokenskolan, that is operated by Lapplands Kommunalförbund. 

Higher education and university

At the learning center of Jokkmokk, adults can take courses at high school, vocational, or university level remotely. Here, you can book study rooms for yourself or a group, and will have access to digital learning tools and Wi-Fi.